
With this Privacy Policy, we would like to explain to you in more detail what personal data we collect and for what purposes it is processed.

1- Introduction and Right to Information

This website is owned by Yo Maroc SARL (hereinafter referred to as “Marrakech Balloon“), whose tax identification number is 51612928 and the address at Centre d’affaire Joudad, Sidi Abbad 2, 3rd floor office No.15, Marrakech 40000.

Marrakech Balloon takes your privacy and personal data protection very seriously. For this reason, Marrakech Balloon fully complies with the current legislation on the protection of personal data to ensure that your personal information is securely stored.

2- Information on Data Collected through the Website

For the proper functioning of the website, Marrakech Balloon may have access to the following data provided by the User if necessary.

  1. Identification Data: user’s name and surname.
  2. Contact Information: email address, phone number, and postal address.
  3. Location Data: user’s location.

3- Legitimacy of Data Processing by Marrakech Balloon

Marrakech Balloon processes User data through this Website on the legitimate basis of the express or explicit consent of users, for the processing of their personal data in each specific case.

In this sense, Marrakech Balloon processes the personal data of users to facilitate the request made by the user, as well as to send commercial communications and/or newsletters about its own services and/or offerings.

By accepting this privacy policy, the user consents to this processing, the user may withdraw consent at any time by sending a message to the following email address: [email protected], without affecting the legality of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

4- Use of Personal Data

Marrakech Balloon may collect personal data from Users through forms on its website, this personal data may be used for the following purposes:

The provision of services offered on the website.
Sending commercial communications to users by mail, phone, email, SMS/MMS, instant messaging, or other similar means of communication, provided that the user has consented to this purpose of personal data processing.

Likewise, the User explicitly consents to the processing of their data for the purpose of customizing the services offered, as well as segmenting their data.
The aforementioned processing may have the purpose of both analyzing and establishing statistics to know the traffic and use of the Site by Users, and determining their tastes and preferences in order to address them with information according to their interests and location.

5- Truthfulness of Provided Information

The User guarantees that the personal data provided is accurate and is responsible for communicating to Marrakech Balloon any changes to it. The User is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided, and Marrakech Balloon reserves the right to exclude from registered services any User who has provided false data, without prejudice to any other action applicable under the law.

It is recommended to exercise the utmost diligence in data protection through the use of security tools, and Marrakech Balloon cannot be held responsible for theft, modification, or loss of illicit data.

6- Data Security

The protection of the privacy and personal data of its clients and visitors is very important to Marrakech Balloon. Therefore, Marrakech Balloon does everything in its power to prevent their data from being used inappropriately. Only authorized personnel can access the data of these individuals.

Marrakech Balloon has implemented all technical means at its disposal to prevent loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, and theft of data provided by the User via the Websites. However, the user must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

7- Questions

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected].

8- Acceptance and Consent

The User declares to have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data, by accepting and consenting to the processing of these by Marrakech Balloon, in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.

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